
Chippers are devices designed to break down wood material, such as logs or wood chips, into firewood or other uses. These machines use different techniques, but the most common are vertical and horizontal log splitters.

Firewood production is the process of converting raw wood material, often fallen branches or felled trees, into material suitable for heating. Here are some practical steps:

Choice of wood material:

Choose dry and good quality wood. Dried wood burns more efficiently and reduces smoke generation.
Cutting Wood to Suitable Length:

Use a chainsaw or circular saw to cut the wood to the required length. The usual length of firewood is about 30-40 cm.
Demolition with a grinder:

Use the appropriate grinding machine according to your needs (vertical or horizontal). Place the piece of wood on the machine and start the process, breaking the tree into firewood.

Place the chopped firewood in a well-ventilated place to dry. Drying helps reduce moisture, ensuring more efficient combustion.

Organize firewood for proper storage. Store them in a dry place to prevent moisture from entering.

Making firewood is a preparatory step for future heating. When the wood is properly dried, you can use it for heating in the fireplace, oven or under the stove.
Making firewood is a rewarding process that helps you stock up on efficient fuel and at the same time utilizes wood that might otherwise go to waste. Choppers make this task much easier and more efficient, helping you prepare firewood quickly and efficiently.

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