
Cordless screwdrivers are popular because they offer several advantages:

Mobility: As they are battery powered, they are highly mobile and can work even in places where the power grid is not readily available.

Speed ​​and efficiency: enable quick installation of screws, which increases work efficiency and reduces work time consumption.

Simplicity and comfort: These tools are usually lightweight and have an ergonomic design that makes them easy and comfortable to use even for extended periods of time.

Versatility: Cordless screwdrivers are available in a variety of capacities and functions, allowing them to be used in a variety of construction and repair jobs.

The use of cordless screwdrivers in construction is versatile and includes various applications, such as:

Wooden structures: Cordless screwdrivers are widely used in the construction of wooden structures, such as frames, terraces, stairs, etc.

Plasterboard installation: Cordless screwdrivers are also used for plasterboard installation on walls and ceilings.

Metal structures: Some cordless screwdrivers are equipped with special screws that allow them to be used when installing metal structures.

Roof structures: When building roof structures and installing roof screws, it can be useful to use cordless screwdrivers.

In summary, it can be said that cordless screwdrivers are important and versatile tools in the construction industry that increase work efficiency and comfort.

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