
Chainsaw and branch saw
Cordless handsaw: Cordless handsaws are mainly designed for cutting small trees or branches. It can be used in the garden or anywhere else outdoors where an electrical outlet is not available. Safe use includes proper care, safe storage (for example, away from children and pets) and correct use according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Chainsaw: A chainsaw is a more powerful tool designed for felling and cutting both smaller and larger trees. When using a chainsaw, special safety precautions must be observed, as it can be dangerous, especially if it is used incorrectly or carelessly. Safety requirements include wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (e.g. safety glasses, earplugs, protective clothing), regular chainsaw maintenance, proper use and training before use.

Branch saw: The branch saw is specially designed for smaller branches that cannot be easily cut with other saws. It can be manual or electric. Safety requirements include proper maintenance, proper use according to manufacturer’s instructions, use of appropriate personal protective equipment and safe storage.

Safe use of any tool requires a thorough understanding of how it works and proper precautions when using it. Before using the tool, it is important to read the manufacturer’s instructions and follow the safety instructions. Additionally, it may be helpful to receive training or instructions on how to use the tool correctly and safely.
Chainsaw and branch saw

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